Latin@s and Tech Initiative
at the Center for Latino Policy Research
Taking advantage of its proximity to the Silicon Valley, the Latin@s and Tech Initiative at U.C. Berkeley's Center for Latino Policy Research is bridging dialogue between scholars from local universities, community members, and representatives of the tech industry to help critically shape relevant policies to increase the number of Latin@s in the tech industry.
April 1st, 2016
Our conference aims to contribute to and disrupt the mainstream “diversity in tech” discourse: it takes a critical perspective and decenters the dominant “bootstraps” narrative (which puts the onus of responsibility on underrepresented groups and individuals) and instead foregrounds the practices and structures that undergird the tech industry’s lack of diversity, especially the underrepresentation of historically racialized groups. |
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02/05/18 CITRIS Foundry startup part-time opportunity for data or software engineer interested in sustainable energy. Student applicants welcome.
09/20/17 Google's Code Next Program @ Fruitvale Station is hiring 2 computer science coaches. Contact Maria Renteria, on-site coordinator, for an interview. 07/24/17 We will present our policy brief at the Toward Inclusive Tech Conference sponsored by the Berkeley School of Information on September 14th, 2017. 01/05/17 The syllabus for this semester's Anthropology of Silicon Valley(s) course is posted on GitHub. 5/26/16 What is the status of Latinos in, outside of and in relation to the tech industry? Orson Aguilar, President of the The Greenlining Institute, weighs in on questions like this and more in the keynote for the Diversity in Tech: Beyond Bootstraps Conference keynote. Check it out here: Video |